What kind of public service media do we want for Europe?

What kind of public service media do we want for Europe?
Flickr © Origins of Business
17 academics ask: What is your position for the future of public service media in Europe? What kind of public service media do they envisage for their country and Europe?















European People's Party

There are currently more than 8000 television service providers and more than 2000 on-demand service providers in the EU governed by the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD). The Culture and Education Committee voted on a Report aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of this Directive and the progress made in its transposition. The Rapporteur Piotr Borys (EPP) stresses that the AVMSD remains the appropriate instrument to regulate the audio-visual sector but that all the key objectives are not yet achieved. The Report calls for wider accessibility of programmes, for greater broadcasting of European works and promotion of independent producers, for legally-binding requirements to bet ter protect minors, for full compliance with the 12-minute hourly advertising limit and for promoting media literacy, without forgetting the future challenges related to dynamic advances in technology, in particular 'Connected TV' or 'Hybrid TV'. – See more: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?type=REPORT&reference=A7-2013-0055&language=EN






Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament

A diverse and pluralist media landscape is essential to European democracy. High-quality media services such as those provided by public television and radio must be guaranteed to ensure a viable democracy.






European United Left–Nordic Green Left

Public service media must be at the core of a pluralist media landscape in Europe. With media freedom continuing to be a matter of grave concern in the EU and its Member States, independence of media governance, freedom of expression and balanced coverage should be defended as key components of democratic systems.





* Greeklish.info has asked all the political groups for an interview


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